Mayor Wee unfazed by baseless claim hurled by Facebook user

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Mayor Wee unfazed by baseless claim hurled by Facebook user

KUCHING (Jan 20): Kuching South Mayor Dato Wee Hong Seng said today that he is not perturbed by an accusation hurled at him by a Facebook user.

He said with his current term as mayor set to expire this March, he believes that he has given his best and done nothing wrong during his term of office.

“If you search through Facebook, there is this ‘Oki Wee Maa’ page that carries my personal photos, an act which is uncalled for.

“This is not an election time, kindly channel your energy into doing something good for the people.

“There is no need for you to regard the mayor as an imaginary enemy,” he told reporters when met after launching the Kuching South City Council (MBKS) Caring Community Programme here today, where he showed them a printout of the Oki Wee Maa Facebook page.

Adding on, Wee said that he remained committed to serving the people, despite challenges posed by certain quarters.

He emphasised that there was no need for these quarters to launch baseless accusations at him since it was not an election time.

He gave assurance said that he would step down as mayor when the time was ripe, and the individual aspiring to be the next mayor should work as hard as he had been.

“During the 2021 state election, some quarters opted for Facebook to attack me. That was understandable since I was a candidate, and that happened during the election campaign.

“But I am still obligated to dismiss baseless claims against me,” he said.

Wee jested: “If some individual is interested in becoming the next mayor, do show your sincerity in serving the people.”

He also stressed that technology and social media platforms ought to be used properly to circulate accurate information instead of spreading accusations.

“If you think that by launching attack at me will slow me down in giving my best service to the people, I can prove you wrong. I can also tell you that I will work even more tirelessly so that you can never match my pace,” he said.

During the 2021 state polls, Wee was the Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) candidate in a four-cornered fight in the Padungan seat which was retained by the Democratic Action Party’s Chong Chieng Jen.


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