Stop Blaming Your Fuel Brand – Here’s The Real Reason Your Mileage Sucks!

14 天前

Stop Blaming Your Fuel Brand – Here’s The Real Reason Your Mileage Sucks!

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You ever hear people say, “Eh bro, I pump at so and so petrol station because I get more mileage lah!” Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but when it comes to petrol in Malaysia, the difference between brands is…  let’s just say, more in your imagination than in reality.

Let’s ✨ spill the tea ✨ on how petroleum really works, and why your driving habits (not your petrol station loyalty) matter more for your wallet.

Petrol in Malaysia: All Same One Lah!

First things first, Malaysian petrol is super regulated. RON95 here is the same RON95 there, whether you pump at Petronas, Shell, or that station you go to only when desperate. Why?

Since 1983, our government has been using this thing called the Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM). Sounds very high-tech, right? But actually, it’s just a formula that controls the petrol price and ensures everyone gets the same quality fuel.

Here’s the APM formula:MOPS + Operation Costs + Profit Margin Oil Companies + Profit Margin Petrol Dealers + Alpha

To break it down:

Translation? Petrol prices here are as steady as a kopi O regular. No funny business.

From Seabed to Station: The Epic Journey of Oil and Gas

But where does your petrol actually come from? No, not straight from the petrol station like some magic well under your car.

READ MORE: Where Does Malaysia’s Energy Come From & What’s Next?

So yeah, there’s a LOT of work before you even pump a single drop of petrol.

Think Your Petrol Brand Affects Mileage? Nahh… It’s You Lah!

Here’s the truth bomb: higher octane or fancy branding doesn’t give you better mileage. What does? Your driving habits.

Even small things like extra weight in your car can sabotage your fuel economy. Every kilo counts!

How to Save on Fuel: Drive Smart, Not Hard

At the end of the day, the petrol you get in Malaysia is consistent and reliable, no matter the brand. So if you want better mileage, don’t blame the pump. Instead, check your car, your driving style, and maybe even your playlist (because chill music = chill driving).

TLDR? Watch our video now! ????

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