Lazio blasts Kamada agents amid Palace claims - Tribal Football

9 months ago

Lazio blasts Kamada agents amid Palace claims - Tribal Football

Lazio sporting director Angelo Fabiani has criticised departing star Daichi Kamada.

The 27-year-old appears set to sign for Premier League side Crystal Palace.

Kamada did have an agreement with Lazio on personal terms, but did not see eye to eye with the club regarding a release clause of around £17 million.

“Last year we focused on Kamada because we were looking for a player with the characteristics of Luis Alberto who had not shown up for training camp and wanted to leave annual contract to be rediscussed on May 30th," Fabiani told Lazio Style Channel.

“Yesterday (May 30th), the time for renewal expired and they asked us to propose the same conditions again but we found ourselves faced with something unexpected great rudeness.

“I don't let anyone blackmail me, I calmly said that I wasn't interested in discussing this 'extortion'. These gentlemen, agents and footballers, must understand that whoever comes to Lazio must embrace the project and love Lazio."


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