MACC on the lookout for ‘influential’ immigration officer

6 days ago

MACC on the lookout for ‘influential’ immigration officer

THE Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is actively tracking an “influential” immigration officer to assist in investigations involving a syndicate that is bringing in foreigners via the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). 

MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki said the male officer on duty at KLIA is believed to have gone into hiding as soon as investigations began. 

He said the officer was still in the country, Sinar Harian reported. 

“The investigation is ongoing, and we are targeting 46 related officers to be called for questioning. 

“We need to unravel the problems at KLIA. We have reprimanded those concerned before this, but there are still issues and before it gets worse, we need to take immediate action,” he said in Putrajaya today. 

Azam also confirmed the seizure of several vehicles belonging to immigration officers in connection with the case. 

MACC was also trying to identify the mastermind behind these criminal activities, he added. 

“We believe the masterminds outside involve foreign suspects, but we are looking for who is the mastermind here,” Azam said. 

On August 20, MACC busted a syndicate that brought in foreigners through “special counters” at KLIA without any inspection at the country’s entry point. 

Among the foreigners brought in were those from Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Nepal. 

The syndicate is believed to have made millions of ringgit in profits and to be run by several law enforcement officers. – September 4, 2024.  


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