MACC arrests 2 enforcement officers over bribery probe

10 days ago

MACC arrests 2 enforcement officers over bribery probe

TWO officers from an enforcement agency in Bandar Simanggang, approximately 132 km from Kuching, have been arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on allegations of soliciting RM10,000 in exchange for not taking action against several foreign workers.

In a statement, the MACC confirmed that the officers were apprehended at a fast-food restaurant between 7pm and 8pm yesterday before being taken to Kuching.

This morning, Kuching magistrate Syarifah Fatimah Azura Wan Ali granted a five-day remand, effective until September 10, to assist in the investigation.

The officers are accused of demanding bribes from a company owner in return for not acting against the company and several foreign workers employed without valid work permits.

Sarawak MACC director, Hasbilah Mohamad Salleh, confirmed the arrests and stated that the case is being investigated under Section 17(a) of the MACC Act 2009. – September 5, 2024.


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