Use event as opportunity to enhance communications skills, councillor tells Sibu anime cosplayers

22 hours ago

Use event as opportunity to enhance communications skills, councillor tells Sibu anime cosplayers

SIBU (Dec 21): The participants of the ‘A.G.E. Convention 5.0 – The Final Arc’ should use the anime-cosplaying event as an opportunity to enhance their communication skills

In making this call, Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) Bawang Assan chairman Councillor Kevin Lau acknowledges that communication skills are deeply embedded in such programmes.

“As a cosplayer, you can portray your character and share what you love about them; the gamers can share their vision of being in a winning team; and the artists can display their talented art pieces to visitors.

“Participating in these events will motivate you to develop yourself and improve your ability to communicate, helping you to progress even further in the future,” he said in his address for the convention, which took place at University of Technology Sarawak (UTS) here recently.

Adding on, Kevin, also the SUPP Central Youth chief, also called upon the participants to take the opportunity to explore their beloved characters’ origins.

According to him, in a story, the scriptwriter usually highlights the characters’ struggles and the challenges that they face, showcasing their undying spirit to overcome adversity.

“It is because of their undying spirit that they have the courage and confidence to face many challenges and triumph in the end,” he said.

In this regard, Kevin expressed hope that the message and value of overcoming adversity would resonate with the participants, hailing such qualities as being ‘essential for progress in life’.

Senator Robert Lau also attended the convention.


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