Anwar: Reforms are ongoing and will benefit everyone in the country

1 day ago

Anwar: Reforms are ongoing and will benefit everyone in the country

PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today stressed that reforms cannot be implemented overnight and take time, requiring careful consideration and not causing any disruptions to the administration of the country.

He assured the rakyat that all the reforms he had preached about, would begin in stages and in ways which would benefit the country.

He said this when launching three autobiography books on DAP iconic leader Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang at the Tandoor Grill restaurant in Ipoh.

Among those present were Lim and the "Malaysian First: Bold To the Last" book author Kee Thuan Chye.

"What do you think? You think I have forgotten the agony and suffering I endured ... some 10 - years of imprisonment. You think I forgot the sacrifices I made for the country. The reforms shall continue," said Anwar.

Earlier, DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng, who is Kit Siang’s son urged Anwar to speed up the reforms, assuring that DAP will be behind Anwar in his quest to change the government for the better after decades of alleged misrule and alleged corruption.

"Malaysia will emerge stronger and be more tolerant in line with the reforms that the country is undergoing," said Anwar.

The fundamental struggle is that the right of every Malaysian must be preserved, said Anwar to a thunderous roar among the audience.

He said that now each cabinet minister ensures the need for an open tender system in their respective portfolios and that transparency is sound.

"We do not want privatisation which is reality is actually pirate - sation which has come at the expense of the country when each citizen needs to pay more for services rendered due to the abuse of the few elites. This will stop under me."

Anwar said that this is now the right time to conduct reforms, but it must be done gradually so the impact is sustainable and meaningful. - December 20, 2024.


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