111 Of The Wildest And Cutest Genetic Mutations Ever Spotted In Pets (New Pics)

1 hour ago

111 Of The Wildest And Cutest Genetic Mutations Ever Spotted In Pets (New Pics)

They come in all shapes and sizes. Some walk, some slither, some fly and some swim. Humans are blessed to share the planet with just over 2.1 million recognized species of animals. And scientists say there are millions more that are yet to be discovered.

Many animals like to play it safe, sticking to the normal blueprint of what they “should” look like. Then there are those that are born different, displaying unique characteristics that set them apart from the rest.

Bored Panda has tracked down a bunch of photos of animals who aren’t letting genetic mutations stand in their way. From four-eared cats to two-headed tortoises, these cute creatures are rocking their rare traits loud and proud for all the world to see. Keep scrolling for an adorable list of animals breaking stereotypes by sporting something very different to their families, and don't forget to upvote your favorites.


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