iPhone 14 Plus rear camera issue: Apple offers service program

4 个月前

iPhone 14 Plus rear camera issue: Apple offers service program

Apple has launched a service program for the iPhone 14 Plus where certain units fail to display the preview of the rear camera. The company said in a release that this issue only affects a “very small percentage” of iPhone 14 Plus devices, manufactured between the 10th of April, 2023 and the 28th of April, 2024.

What can you do if your iPhone 14 Plus exhibits the issue?

If your iPhone 14 Plus has exhibited the above-mentioned issue, you can check if your unit is affected via Apple’s official website. From there, you can see if your device is eligible for the service program.

Supposing that your unit is indeed affected, you can choose one of the options below to have your iPhone 14 Plus serviced. Your iPhone will then be examined to verify that it’s eligible for this program, and Apple or an Apple Authorised Service Provider will provide service, free of charge.

Do note that the service program is only provided for a span of three years after the original date of purchase. You will only be entitled to the service if your unit does not have additional damages, such as a cracked back glass. However, if you’ve had the issue and have already paid for a repair prior to this, you can request a refund from Apple.

How do I find my iPhone’s serial number?

Your iPhone’s serial number can be found within the settings app. Launch the app, go to General, and then About, and you will see your iPhone’s serial number.


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