Man in China Becomes Fluent in Japanese After Watching Over 4,000 JAVs

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Man in China Becomes Fluent in Japanese After Watching Over 4,000 JAVs

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Mastering another language, especially the one we barely speak, can be daunting. However, a man in China killed two birds with one stone while learning the Japanese language.

The man admitted to watching many, many Japanese adult videos to master the language

Jakku Song shared the good news on his YouTube video and said he had obtained the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Certificate, where he scored N2—the ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations and under a variety of circumstances to a certain degree.

In the YouTube video, Jakku said he has watched over 4,500 Japanese adult videos throughout his life.

Jakku also mentioned the names of several popular Japanese adult film stars and thanked them for, in a way, helping him in the proficiency test for the language.

Jakku also stated in his YouTube video that he had never systematically studied Japanese, but this did not prevent him from loving Japan, especially AV culture. he felt that his Japanese language ability was already good, so he took part in the “Japanese Language Proficiency Test” held this year.

According to the official website of the “Japanese Language Proficiency Test”, the test divides language proficiency into five levels, ranging from N1 to N5.

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